Jim Regan Broker/Owner of Team Regan Realty has relocated from Houston to New York and back. Jim will help you relocate from New York to Houston. Obviously there are many differences between the Big Apple and Houston Texas. Homes and taxes are less expensive and Houstonians commute in their cars and do not use much public transportation. In Texas buyers do not pay for the use of a Houston Realtor when buying a home, the sellers pay all commissions in most cases. So you benefit from an experience Houston Realtor at no cost.
As an experience Houston Realtor Jim can help you with determining which parts of Houston you might like more than others which may depend on cost of the Houston home, public schools, flooding, or your commute to work. Jim can help you with many factors when looking at buying, selling, leasing, or investing in Real Estate. Jim has seen it all with over 35 years of Houston area Real Estate.
Jim will help you with all aspects including commuting, schools, crime, traffic, shopping, as well as helping you with professionals in Mortgage/Banking, Inspectors, Lawyers, Insurance providers, repair companies, and more.
Unlike many states including New York Texas does not have a State nor City income taxes.
Property taxes for a Houston area home range around 3% yearly but fluctuates on a neighborhood basis. Generally speaking new homes in the suburbs maybe higher because the bonds for building roads, infrastructure, and schools. You can benefit from Texas being a homestead state with a reduction of approximately 10 pct off your yearly property taxes if this is your primary home.
Texas Real Estate Contracts are provided by TREC for Realtors avoiding in most cases having to pay a lawyer to review the sales or lease transaction unlike New York or New Jersey.
When purchasing a Houston home you will need to provide a prequalification letter from your lender which shows you are prequalified/preapproved to purchase a home at a specific price.
It takes between 35 and 45 days from executed contract to closing. Jim Regan is a professional Texas Realtor with hundreds of transactions over the past few decades. Experience matters when relocating, buying, selling, leasing, or investing in Houston Real Estate. Houston is a great place to live.
Please call Jim Regan at 713-443-5911 with any questions.